Modern Breeze

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Christmas Gift Wrap Ideas // Part 1

Its the most wonderful time of the year! We are six days away from Christmas, and I'm feeling all giddy inside. Hopefully most of your the gift shopping is done so now its time to get all those goodies wrapped up!

Giftwrapping became kind of a tradition for me a few years ago. All the brightly colored, densely patterned, dosed in glitter, "festive" wrapping paper and slick shiny ribbon in shades of red, green, and gold left me desiring more. Something simpler and cleaner. So, here's my take on DIY christmas gift wrapping. Wrap on!

1. White + Yarn


For the first year, I opted for luxuriously thick and brilliantly white art paper. I wanted that supple, velvety feel, and a spotless bright white. The paper I used for the wrapping was beautiful art paper I found at a local art supplies store. I bought a few sheets of paper used for sketching and drawing, of different weight. For the small stocking-stuffer like gifts, I used two sheets of regular white printer paper (worked like a charm and has that "crisp" feel to it).  Art paper is much heavier that your regular gift wrap and really gives your gifts that luxurious look.

I tied it with a single loop knot using some unique yarn I scored on clearance at a local Michael's store. The yarn was $2 and was laying at the very bottom of the shelf at the back of the store among other items that look like they've been collecting dust at Michael's for decades. Now, I always look at those clearance bins, just in case there is another treasure hiding inside.

For the name tags, I used basic white tags from the same Michaels. I adorned the gifts with some washi tape I bought off Etsy years ago, matching the color of the tape to the color of the yarn. Last, I topped each gift off with star outlines that I cut out of the scraps of the paper used for wrapping. I never leave a scrap behind and you can always find some good use for it. 

Simple, easy, and quick!

Merry Christmas!